Building yoga practice into your daily life will reap benefits in terms of increased strength, stability, energy, and relaxation. You don’t need much equipment to begin with, just a yoga mat and clothes that allow you to move freely. This brief routine should take around 15 minutes. Each asana should be held for three breaths unless otherwise instructed and should flow naturally into the next pose.
Warming up
Sit cross-legged and breathe evenly through your nose for two minutes. Then, for 15 breaths, bend your body from side to side each time you exhale.
Your workout
Building yoga practice into your daily life will reap benefits in terms of increased strength, stability, energy, and relaxation. You don’t need much equipment to begin with, just a yoga mat and clothes that allow you to move freely. This brief routine should take around 15 minutes. Each asana should be held for three breaths unless otherwise instructed and should flow naturally into the next pose.
Warming up
Sit cross-legged and breathe evenly through your nose for two minutes. Then, for 15 breaths, bend your body from side to side each time you exhale.
Your workout